This hologram gives the same vibrational effects as a belly massage -also called an abdominal massage. Therefore it allows you to do an emotional cleansing work by yourself. You just need to follow this easy protocol:
1°) TOUCH the hologram (or its image on the screen);
2°) THINK about your belly in a particular context (see the list below);
3°) VISUALIZE the sun on your inner screen;
4°) IMAGINE your are at the center of the sun;
5°) IMAGINE the sun is also in your heart;
6°) WIDEN your consciousness so that it contains the whole universe;
7°) Inwardly SING the sounds: A-OM-U-French U-EE-U-O-A
Apply these steps while thinking about:
Your past;
Your childhood;
Your early childhood;
Your birth;
Your intrauterine life;
Your fears;
Your sadness;
Your anger;
Your traumas;
Your negative memories;
Your negative beliefs;
Your inner child;
Your inner mum;
Your inner dad;
Your inner man;
Your inner woman;
Your inner calm;
Your inner peace;
Your relationship to others;
your global energy level…
This process helps you get rid of negative memories and emotions stored in your belly. It is a very efficient and powerful emotional work!
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