First of all, what is vegetotherapy?
Here is an extract from the web site:
“Biodynamic ‘Vegetotherapy’ is the name given to a theoretical and practical bodywork therapy developed by Dr Wilhelm Reich.
It involves specialised Bodywork techniques and working with the breath to liberate the “vegetative” or autonomic nervous system response [unconscious or involuntary mechanisms in the body] as an aid to restoring homoeostasis and health.
Dr Reich demonstrated how ‘horizontal’ rings or ‘segments’ in the body, if armoured, impeded the spontaneous ‘vertical’ updrift of energy.
These armour rings had to be loosened through bodywork, vegetotherapy and, where needed, work with expression or image and psychotherapy, in order to promote the full circulation of life-energy.
Biodynamic vegetotherapy works with impulses that “impinge from within” and with the seven “segments” of the body – pelvis, abdomen, diaphragm, chest, throat, mouth/jaw and eyes.
It aims to establish or re-establish the “streamings” which re-connect the vegetative (life-energy) currents to the psychic structures in order to facilitate re-pair and re-generation on all levels.
Re-connection to the streamings allows the armour to dissolve.
Once the body armouring begins to dissolve, layer by layer, and the life-energy begins to flow again more freely there is a ‘biodynamic updrift’ of hitherto unavailable unconscious material.
When this flow or updrift is re-established, the biodynamic practitioner may concentrate on encouraging the client to recognise his or her own ‘stimuli from within’.
In fact these “stimuli from within” are the stirrings of the person’s alive core, now literally pressing for acknowledgment.
The “stimuli from within” may come in any form – from the tiniest muscular twitching, to faint shreds of memories, to deeper or more expansive breathing, or to expression of deep emotion.
Sometimes, old memories and past feelings which have been lost or buried in the body depths may come back to the surface of consciousness, leading to insights, profound psychological clearance, transformation and relief.
The biodynamic process offers the opportunity for a fundamental biological and psychological purification.”
How to use the vegetotherapy hologram?
The method to use this hologram is simple:
1 You touch the vegetotherapy hologram;
2 While still keeping the contact with the hologram, you make movements with your:
- eyes;
- jaw;
- neck;
- shoulder (one after the other);
- arm;
- hand;
- torso;
- belly;
- hips;
- legs;
- foot.
Make sure you can rest after this exercice. Chances are you will probably feel very tired. Realeasing muscular tensions can be exhausting!
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