You probably know that the vibrations of a name carries the vibrations of the person who wears that name. This property holds true for the name of God. This is why invoking the name of God will bring the highest energies to you and to the object of your thoughts.
Even though God has numerous names, Yod He Vav He is considered to be one of the most powerful.
Just by touching the Yod He Vav He Hologram, you will raise the vibrations of whatever you are thinking about. And of course your own vibrations will be heightened in the process.
The Yod He Vav He vibrations are so sacred that they will dispel any negative energies, even the most wicked and evil. And believe it or not, those who have never encountered evil energies in their life experience are probably not born yet !
This holy hologram is a wonderful tool that gives you a direct -and easy- access to Divine vibrations that can transform your life in a way difficult to imagine. No more need to seek the help of other persons who might be closer to God than you think you are.
And remember; ““You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name” in Exodus 20:7.
This being said, this hologram is a blessing for all who use it to improve their lives.
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