This hologram can make miracles to heal parts of our consciousness that desperately need love.
Just like for example some of our Selves (visit this web site to know more about these Selves who play an important role in our consciousness) who are for some of them emotionally suffering without our knowledge.
More specifically, each part of our body is connected to our inner Selves. That explains why a part -or organ- of our body may be weak for no medical reason: it is because the inner Selves connected to that part of the body are still suffering.
Here is the protocol to heal the Selves connected to a weak organ or part of our body:
- Touch the Healing with Love hologram (its image contained in the pdf file);
- Think about all your inner Selves connected to a particular organ and who need healing;
- Imagine the sun on your inner screen (close your eyes) as if you were facing it;
- Then imagine you were in the center of the sun;
- Finally imagine the sun is also in your heart.
- You can also -if you feel any resistance- sing inwardly the sounds: A – OM – U – EE – U – O – A.
With this Healing with Love hologram, it is also possible to dissolve toxic memories stored in our chakras, in our mental and emotional bodies. These toxic memories can be responsible for harmful behaviors towards ourselves or others around us. The same protocol can be applied, just think about toxic memories instead of inner Selves.
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