Meaning of E = mc2 equation
This equation is often called the mass-energy equivalence equation and is the most famous equation found by the physicist Albert Einstein.
It says that mass can create energy (used in atomic bombs and in nuclear powerplants) and conversely energy can create mass (usually there is no application as it would need enormous amounts of energy to create a small quantity of mass).
Any use of E = mc2 in healing ?
You may wonder what this physics equation has anything to do with energetic healing. To be honest with you it is a wise question…
The answer to that question is YES, as you can imagine.
An experimental discovery …
One day, I had a weird idea: I wondered what would be the vibrational rate of my body if I thought about the famous E = mc2 equation.
Guess what: the energetic health of my body was down. In other words, its vibration rate was extremely low.
I was stunned but determined to improve my body’s energy with respect to that equation.
Therefore I created the E = mc2 hologram hoping it would work. And it did !
Then I treated all my organs that would have a negative reaction to the equation with the E = mc2 hologram. It worked at that time and still does even after a few months.
… and a theoretical explanation
The best explanation I came up with is this: many causes may alter our energies: stress, negative thinking, negative beliefs, negative energies… To me, this E = mc2 hologram helps us find the true energetic potential we all have.
How to treat an organ or any body part
Here are two protocols:
First protocol
- Touch the E = mc2 hologram;
- Think about the organ you want to treat:
- Send the vibrations of the hologram to that organ using your breath
You’re done with the first part.
Second protocol
- Touch the E = mc2 hologram;
- Think about the organ you want to treat:
- Send the vibrations of the hologram to the
- electrons;
- Protons;
- Neutrons;
- Ultimate subatomic particles;
- Atomic nuclei;
- Atoms;
- Molecules;
- Cells
of the treated organ, using your breath
It is more recently that I discovered the second protocol. So I would advise you use both procedures one after the other.
All weak body part can be adressed, like:
- eyes;
- Heart:
- Adrenal glands;
- Ears…
If you read that page, you will probably be interested in this other hologram: Internal energy hologram.
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