The very first mantra hologram that was created is the famous Buddhist mantra: OM Mani Padme Hum. Even though I knew there were very strong positive energies associated with this mantra, I did not know the exact nature of them. This fact gives even more credit to the spiritual experience that was triggered by that hologram. As soon as I touched this newly created hologram, my heart started to radiate huge amounts of compassion and love for all humanity! That was a powerful and beautiful life changing experience. When I recall this so unique and unexpected spiritual awakening, I still feel a deep joy coming from my heart.
Here is how I proceed now to send compassion using this OM Mani Padme Hum hologram. I say the mantra seven times while visualizing one of my chakras filled with this mantra energy, from the root chakra to the crown chakra. Then I will pronounce the mantra one more time and this time I will visualize the person, relationship, event (…) that will receive compassion. Chances are you will feel an outpouring of compassion yourself !!!
You can also use the compassion hologram in a very similar way, except that there is nothing to say while you visualize each one of your chakras being filled with compassion energy.
May all human beings experience that level of compassion. It is such a healing experience for the heart.
Thanks to holograms, you can now invite compassion in your life. And to enhance your experience, may we suggest you to listen to this.
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