Excited by the instant success I obtained with the cleaning of medicinal pollution (see previous post), I was curious if I could clean chemical pollution just as easily.
Unfortunately (or fortunately), I did not suffer from chemical pollution according to my pendulum.
Then I turned to my children and tested them. It turned out that all of them had chemical pollution. What a strange answer from the pendulum I thought as I did not see at all what could be the origin of this chemical pollution.
After a few minutes of thinking about it, the answer hit my mind: all my children went to the swimming pool when they were babies. And there is chlorine in water…
Guess what: to the question “Is it chlorine pollution?”, the pendulum’s answer was YES!
Then it was easy to clear this chemical pollution. Using the “Heart Sutra” hologram again, I just thought about chlorine vibrations that affected:
- Their microscopic energies: electrons, protons, neutrons, ultimate subatomic particles, atom nucleus, atoms, molecules, cells , DNA;
- Their energetic aspects: energy centers, energy networks (like meridiens), energy structures, energetic systems, energetic points;
- Their seven major chakras and all the minor chakras;
- Most subtle bodies: etheric, emotional, mental and causal bodies;
- Their organs (especially the brain and the heart), all their teeth and vertebrae (including the sacrum)
- Their nervous, muscular and skeletal systems.
The classical procedure to use the hologram is:
1. Touch the hologram;
2. Think about the receiver of the energy (chemical pollution in the 1st chakra for example);
3. Think about God (or the sun);
4. Sing inwardly the sounds: A OM U EE U O A
The very day of the healing session -that I did without my children, my 8 year old son who had difficulties with concentration, came to me and asked me a piece of paper as he wanted to draw on it. It had been years he did not take the time to draw by himself.
Weeks have passed since that chemical pollution cleaning and strangely my two youngest children have improved their results at school.
From a statistical point of view, it is obviously impossible to prove that their better results at school is linked to that healing session. However, I am convinced it is true as they do not have vibration of chlorine in their physical body to this day anymore.
In addition, I later learnt that chlorine had a negative impact on mental capacities. How strange !
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