No, the universe is NOT empty
Even though physicists believe the ether does not exist since the Michelson-Morley experiment, they all agree space is filled with energies.
Among those energies are the Divine, Cosmic and Tachyon energies. These nourishing energies also sustain our physical body.
A healthy body taps Divine, Cosmic and Tachyon energies
The physical body is a highly complex energetic machinery. With no pretention of knowing-it-all, we claim however that a healthy body needs – among many other energies- these three energies.
Unfortunately, traumas (like surgery, physical collision, …) may alter the ability of our body to tap those energies.
How to harvest Divine, Cosmic and Tachyon energies?
The holograms required
Well, our answer to that question requires only two holograms:
The protocol
- Think about the energy (Divine, Cosmic or Tachyon) and think about the part of your body that needs it;
- Touch both holograms and send their vibrations to your seven charts:
- astrological chart;
- numerological chart;
- Enneagram chart;
- Sound chart;
- Color chart;
- Tree of Life chart;
- Solids of Platon chart.
- Then send the hologram vibrations to your nine microscopic aspects (while still thinking about the treated organ):
- electrons;
- protons;
- neutrons;
- ultimate subatomic particles;
- atom nuclei;
- atoms;
- molecules;
- cells;
- DNA;
- Finally, send the vibrations to your seven charts again (see above) but this time thinking about your:
- 1st chakra
- 2nd chakra
- 3rd chakra
- 4th chakra
- 5th chakra
- 6th chakra
- 7th chakra
You are done !
The protocol seems long and time consuming. But when you get used to it, you will realise it can be done very quickly and efficiently.
Just try it !
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