What is Chi?
Chi, also written Qi or Ki, is an energy that brings force and vitality to our physical body. You can use it to break bricks like in martial arts or heal others or simply maintain a good health. Traditionnal ways that increase Chi level is mostly done with martial arts or Chinese gymnastics like Qiqong or TaiChi.
Is Chi real?
Official science does not recognize the existence of Chi simply because no instrument can measure Chi. However, most people who has received acuponcture or who are praticing Chinese gymnastics have felt the effect of this form of enegy. Moreover, Chinese medecine has used Chi for tousands of years! Therefore, to me it proves the reality and effectiveness of Chi. Needless to say my own experiments with Chi (with the help of holograms) clearly confirmed this point of view.
Holograms that increase your Chi level
You will need two holograms that complement each other:
The Taoist practice hologram will mostly move your Chi along the microcosmic orbit whereas the Taijwuxigong hologram will move it in all areas of your body.
Protocol to boost your Chi level
- Touch both holograms (Don’t forget to also touch your palate with the tip of your tongue);
- Think about the organ that needs Chi (examples are given below);
- While you are also thinking about your first chakra, imagine you are sending Chi to each one of your charts :
- Astrological chart;
- Numerological chart;
- Enneagram chart;
- Sound chart;
- Color chart;
- Tree of Life chart;
- Five solids of Platon chart.
- Then do the same (send Chi to your 7 charts) but this time thinking about your second chakra;
- …
- Finally do the same (send Chi to your 7 charts) but this time thinking about your seventh chakra.
You’re done !
It may seem complicated at first glance, but don’t worry, with a little practice this protocol will become really easy to do and rapid too.
The organ you have been thinking about is now filled with Chi ! In other words, the Chi level of this organ is optimum.
Examples of organs you can fill with Chi
Here is a non-exhaustive list of organs that can be filled with Chi:
- Stomach;
- Small and large intestine;
- Gonads;
- Knees;
- Sacrum;
- Coccyx;
- Vertebrae;
- Brain;
- Ears;
- Eyes…
Raise today your Chi level with these two holograms:
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