Energetic holograms tested with biospect machine
For the first time ever, a test with the Biospect machine proved the effectiveness of the energetic hologram called Great Marvelous Secrets (the paper version). Energetic holograms are SAFE
The Biospect machine was developped by Russian scientists and it measures very precisely the energies in the human body. It can therefore prove the effectiveness of an energetic hologram.
Here is a picture of the energy scan before (on the left) and after treatment (on the right) with the Great marvelous Secret hologram:
The color yellow means the energy is excellent; the orange means the energy is fine, the red color corresponds to a not so good energy and the black color means the energy does not respond any more. As you can tell, the energetic hologram improved a lot that part of the body (gonad) without any doubts !
How was performed the hologram energy treatment?
- The patient drank one glass of water that was energized just by putting the glass on the paper hologram for a few minutes;
- Then the patient waited for 10 minutes before the second Biospect scan was performed .
The first Biospect scan was obviously done before the patient drank the energized water.
This protocol was created by Yves Gillard, a French expert that does complete energy scans with his Biospect device. He also gives energy treatments with his machine.
More energy scans
Here are some more pictures:
These scans above show the improvement of the heart after the patient drank a glass of energized water.
And one more:
These two scans above show the energetic improvement of the Vater ampulla with the hologram Great Marvelous Secret (paper version).
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