Nature medicine with Moai statues on Easter Island
You probably know these famous statues discovered on Easter Island that are called Moai statues.
But have you heard about the healing properties of these statues?
Not long ago, I would have answered NO to that question.
To be honest with you, it is only recently that I discovered these statues had healing vibrations.
One day, following my intuition, I created an energetic hologram using a picture of Moai statues.
Some of you may know that the process I use concentrates subtle vibrations from a picture or any 2 D graphic representation.
Then I experimented with this brand new Moai statue hologram.
It is not the only time that I experimented with energy giving holograms…
… But this time the results obtained were… …far greater than expectated.
Healing properties of Moai statues
Nature medicine on cells
The first time I tested this Moai statue hologram, I was boosting my cells in order to raise their energy level.
Well, it worked out really well: I could feel refreshed and energized in the zone I was sending the hologram’s vibrations.
Nature medicine on energies
Then I tested the effect of this hologram on energies: ki (or tchi) energy, prana energy, even Hara energy (energy in the Hara which is located approximately two fingers below the navel).
I would feel each time a strong energy flow running through my body.
Nature medicine on chakras
Encouraged by these results, I experimented with this hologram on my major chakra energies and also minor chakra energies. Here again, I felt the energy was coming through me to my chakras.
Nature medicine on parts of physical body
Finally, I used this hologram directly on organs, muscles, bones, nerves, blood…
Every time I would feel a big raise of energy.
Another property of the Moai statue hologram
Whenever an organ or body part is weak, there is a lack of ki energy.
And this lack of ki energy is very often caused by an emotion like fear, anger or sadness.
In order to regain ki energy in that particular organ or body part, you just need to do an emotional treatment on that organ or body part.
It really works out… if you know how to do an emotional treatment.
The good news is: the Moai statue hologram will do it for you !
In other words, using this hologram on an organ or body part will raise automatically the ki energy level.
Isn’t that great?
How to use the Moai statue hologram?
Well, it is extremely simple. Just follow these steps:
- Touch the image of the hologram on the screen that displays it (open the pdf file);
- Think about the organ or body part or energy… you want to work on;
- Stay a few seconds concentrating on whatever you are working on while still touching the hologram.
That’s all !!!
Try today the Moai statue hologram and raise your energy levels easily and effectively!
What are energetic holograms ?
They are like energetic sponges that retain and store subtle vibrations. They are made in a holographic sheet like this one:
You just need to touch the energetic hologram (or the screen that displays its image) in order to receive the subtle energy it contains.
Who can use energetic holograms?
No psychic abilities are required to become an energetic hologram user. However, you need to accept two principles:
- An energetic hologram is a source of subtle vibrations;
- Your thoughts can guide subtle vibrations.
That is all you need to start using energetic holograms.
Are energetic holograms safe?
A retired medical doctor tested some of them using a machine called Biospec 21. He obtained truly convincing results like this one:
You can read the details of these experimentations on this post.
Start using Moai statue hologram and boost your energies !
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