First of all, let me share with you this letter from a customer who ordered paper versions of holograms he had previously bought and is surprised about the power of holograms:
“Dear Raphael
[…] Just to let you know I found your Webpage by coincidence but I am really surprised about the power of these holograms. I have tried a lot in the last years but this is probably something of the strongest. It is just great!
By the way what I tried is to Charge water and beverages with the holograms (just puting the bottle on the Ipad for 1 – 2 minutes). I think this works great.
there are some holograms which you described in your last post. Unfortunately some of them are quite expensive.
Kind regards”
And here is the answer I wrote to him:
“Dear Stephan,
Nothing happens by chance ! You were very probably guided to the energetic holograms.
You will find in the Great Marvelous Secrets hologram envelope small pieces of paper hologram. It is because you can cut them into smaller pieces and tape one small piece on you wall near the center of your home. See:
Also, the way to use the paper hologram is simple: you just insert your fingers in the envelope in order to be in contact with the hologram. That is all. No need to take out the hologram from the envelope.
Last information about these paper hologram: make sure they don’t touch each other.
Concerning your test with water, here is the post that will give you some details with the Biospect machine (you may have read it before):
Now, the price of some holograms are quite expensive. I am well aware of that of course. However, it is important for you to know that the price is given to me through the pendulum.
Let’s take the Yod He Vav He hologram. With this hologram, you can dispel all evil energies, how bad they can be. And once you have used this hologram by touching it (its pdf image) for some time (about a week), you can just imagine you are touching it -as you know. That means you have the vibrations of the name of God Yod He Vav He in you forever and that you’ll always be able to dissolve all evil energies during your whole life. Just like it was a spiritual initiation.
Also, it turns out that this Yod He Vav He hologram has other uses. One of them I discovered recently is manifestation…
Another is spiritual initiations directly for the highest spiritual levels. You just ask for them (whatever initiations you need and you are allowed to receive) while touching the hologram.
Another one is deep meditation in connection with one aspect of God, namely His Yod He Vav He aspect.
Concerning the Christ hologram, apart from the experience I wrote about in this post: , I used it in order to forgive a friend who did not act very kindly with me. Even though I knew there were probably some negative vibrations that influenced his behavior, I kept being angry at him and could just not forgive him.
By pure coincidence I had read an article about a man who worked with Christ consciousness and who used forgiveness as a tool to free himself. Thanks to this article I could forgive this friend so quickly and effortlessly with the help of the Christ hologram.
Once again, the good thing about holograms is that you can use them anywhere and at any time. It is a present you give yourself for life !
Many go(o)d vibrations to you,