What is the Sedona method?
According to this website:
“The Sedona Method is a powerful tool to uncover your natural ability to let go of negativity. There is no other method which enables people to let go of their emotion on the spot.
The reason why the Sedona method works so beautifully is that it encourages people to dive into the very core of the unwanted emotion.
When people magnify the unwanted feeling they realize that there is a sense of emptiness in it. They realize the uncomfortable emotion is just a surface phenomenon. There is nothing deep to it.”
Why use an energetic hologram with the Sedona method?
Touching one energetic hologram (see below) while practicing the Sedona method will greatly increase its effectiveness. In other words, the results you will obtain using this method and one hologram will come faster and with more ease.
Because the hologram will raise your vibrations. Therefore, time will flow faster in your consciousness and you will become more responsive to subtle energies and inner transformations.
What hologram can be used with the Sedona method?
Personally, I use the Lord’s Prayer hologram.
You can also use:
The Sedona method protocol
Excerpts from this website:
Step 1: Focus your mind on a problem that is bothering you. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions that issue is generating within you:
Step 2: Answer one of the three below given questions
- Can I allow myself to let this go?
- Can I release this emotion?
- Can I accept this feeling?
Step 3: Regardless of which question you chose, ask yourself if you are willing to let it go?
Step 4: Again, answer the question: When?
Step 5: Repeat the above 4 steps (from step 1 to step 4) until you are free of the emotional burden.
The Sedona method is great to get rid of fear, anger, sadness.
You can even work with your chakras and dissolve fear, anger or sadness in each of your chakra..
For example:
Fear of public speaking;
Fears about money;
Fear in other specific situations;
Same with anger;
Same with sadness.
You can also work on the members of your inner family: fears of your inner child for example, sadness of your inner women, etc.
Read Hale Dwoskin’s book “The Sedona Method” to discover many ways with this method that will improve your life!