Healing with energies: what energies ?
The healing energies we are presenting here are energies you will find in any part of the physical body that is healthy. These energies are:
- self energy (specific energy that belongs to that body part);
- functioning energy (energy needed for that body part to function correctly);
- reserve energy (stored energy that can be used if needed).
If the organ or body part is out of balance, you can be assured the levels of the above energies are very low.
Healing an organ or body part
You have probably already understood how to heal with energies: we are going to send those three energies to the impaired organ or body part.
The way to do it is explained on the product page: Three energy healings.
The protocol may seem long and complicated, but it is not. The more you practice, the faster it will become!
Are there other healing energies ?
Yes, there are. Next month, we will see three other energies that are necessary to regain health.
This set of six healing energies will help us get closer to a healthy state.
However, please note that even though these energies are necessary, that are not always sufficient.
Because there are still other energies !
We will see some of them later in the form of holograms that are easy to use and are safe energy sources.
Try these three healing energies !
Health recovery is a step by step process. Start with these three healing energies. You will probably feel you are heading in the right direction.