Yes I found ecstasy in a horrendous task
That story took place 19 years ago and I must admit I almost forgot it. It was the first time ever I started this new professionnal task that not that many colleagues would
consider doing. Yes it would bring me some money of course. But it represented a lot of energy and patience as it was extremely repetitive not to say boring. To tell you
the truth, I was even afraid I was not capable of doing it. Apparently I was not the only one to find this job difficult: a few years later I learnt a colleague of mine
completely panicked and his work had to be done again!..
Hopefully, I had read a spiritual book just before starting this work, that taught me a special type of meditation. You would close your eyes as usual and stop thinking.
Whenever you would have a thought, you would get out of your thought by looking at your thought from above so to speak.
As you can imagine, my thoughts were like: "you will never finish this work", "how stupid you are to start this work", "you cannot do this", etc.
Well, there was no choice for me in order to complete this work: I had to get out of these negative thoughts before they would completely bring me down emotionally.
It was at first very difficult for me to step out of these thoughts. But considering what was at stake, I did it anyway.
After a few hours, something really strange and truly unexpected happened. I started to feel an irrepressible joy coming from nowhere !!!
Some call it ecstasy.
Let's say that I felt deeply happy doing this work.
How is it possible to find pure joy?
Most wisdom teachings repeat this truth over and over: "you are not your thoughts, you are much more than your thoughts". By realising this truth on a practical level
-just like I did- helped me have a glimpse at what we truly are: infinite beings who are far greater than who we think we are. I suppose this awareness by itself was the
root of this deep and unexplanable inner joy.
In other words, just by being who we really are brings this state of pure bliss. This statement is by the way connected to another well known spiritual truth: we do not
need to gain anything in order to grow spiritually as we have already everything we need.
"Just BE": not so easy to do !
Even though this meditation worked so well in helping me to perform and finish a difficult work, I have not used it for 19 years!.. Why? Because it requires concentration, energy, patience... That was not so easy for me. Here is now the one million dollar question: is there an easier way to reach that state of inner joy and peace? Spiritual holograms: easy shortcuts to bliss There are probably many shortcuts that lead you to a higher level of consciousness. But there is one for sure that really works in a very easy manner: spiritual holograms ! Here is a list of spiritual holograms that have been tested: Lord's prayer and Ave Maria hologram: 99 Names of God hologram: Tree of Life hologram: Bhagavad-Gita hologram:
The new protocol with holograms...
Just by touching one of those holograms given above (or others carefully chosen) will give you instantaneously the state of consciousness required to feel close to God
or Infinity, or the Source.
You will still have to watch your toughts and bring your awareness away from them. But with the help of a spiritual hologram, it will be much easier.
... will bring miracles into your life
Still another spiritual truth from many religious traditions says: "give all your problems to God". This statement is clearly understandable, but not so clearly feasible
from a practical point of view.
Unless you have the help of a spiritual hologram!
Here is how:
- you choose an issue you would like to solve, and think about it;
- you touch a spiritual hologram and try to feel close to God/the Source/the Infinity...;
- Finally just watch your thoughts and step outside of them whenever you have one.
This very easy to apply protocol is nevertheless very powerful.
Try it !!!