Have you heard about Saint Rosalia?
She lived in a cave in Sicily near Palermo during the 12th century. (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Rosalia).
Water can be found in this cave and it is supposed to have miraculous properties.
A friend of mine who is also an emergency medicine doctor visited this holy place with his wife last summer.
As he is suffering from osteoarthritis, the idea crossed his mind to put this water on his painful knees. As a medical doctor he knew this was a stupid idea. Nevertheless, he followed his intuition.
He did well.
He immediatly felt less pain in his knees. Several weeks later, the effect of this water was still felt: lighter pain in his knees.
When he told me this story, I was immediatly inspired to create an energetic hologram from pictures of this holy cave.
After the pdf version of the hologram was made, I inadvertently printed the pdf file. Usually, I never print any hologram as I believe the energetic effect of the printed version is very small.
But this time I used the printed version of the Santa Rosanna hologram (that is the name of it) in a simple manner: I put my new cell phone on it. Why? because cell phones radiate negative subtle energies.
Guess what.
After 20 minutes, the vibration rate of my cell phone increased a lot and its energy was all positive.
=> printed versions of pdf holograms do have an energetic effect!
That is a big discovery for energetic holograms. You do not have to use a screen to receive their good vibrations.
Just print them.
You can for example put bottles of water on the printed Santa Rosanna hologram. The water you will drink or use will have energetic properties very close (if not identical) to the water found in the Saint Rosalia cave.
Here you can purchase the amazing hologram for a ridiculous price: https://vibeenergy.solutions/shop/santa-rosalia-2/
Share with your friends this opportunity to bring sacred vibrations in the water you drink and use.
May this hologram bring many blessings in your life.