The other day a good friend of mine called me on the phone as he was in emotional shock.
The traumatic event that caused this situation was a cruel betrayal from a close member of his in-laws.
He was in pain just like if someone had stabbed him right in his heart. As a consequence, his mental state was obviously affected and he had a hard time thinking clearly.
The first healing I did was on his heart, with the help of the Heart of Uruguay hologram. He immediatly felt better. This hologram is so powerful because love is the best healer.
However, his emotional pain was still there.
In fact, I could easily see that his emotional body’s energy was still extremely low. The second hologram I therefore used was the Heart Sutra hologram that clears negative emotions. Right after I concentrated on his emotional body -and later on his mental body- with this hologram, he felt even better, with no more emotional suffering.
But his thoughts were not back to normal yet and I could check his chakras were down (very low energy). So I imagined I was touching all the chakra holograms at the same time. And once again, these holograms made miracles: his chakra energy centers were just fine in a matter of one and a half minute.
Even though his anger was still in his mind, he was fine and regained his full mental abilities.
The whole healing lasted less than 10 minutes. Isn’t that great?
You too can easily achieve such a result. No need to have special powers. It is a question of using holograms the correct way:
1. Touch the hologram;
2. Think about what or who you want to heal;
3. Visualize the sun in your mind
4. Sing inwardly the sounds: A – OM – U – French U – EE – French é – U – O – A
Wish you the best bath of high vibrations, ever !