This friend was in distress because of the loss of two animals dear to her. With the help of holograms, I did a distance healing on her over the phone. Every time she felt better.
This healings were essentially focused on her negative emotions and also on her self esteem that needed to be raised. I used not that many holograms: Great Marvelous Secrets mainly, and also the Lord’s Prayer hologram.
These healing required to heal her past also. Her sadness was also connected to the death a few years ago of one of her family member she had felt very close to. The two holograms given above can heal the past too.
Here is what this friend said about the healing:
“Dear Raphael,
Repeatedly, I received distance energy healing from you. I wanted to thank you again and tell you that I felt the benefits every time. I felt a serenity and calm throughout the healing, and also the following days. A big thank you!”